We need to conserve water!

As we all know that 75% of the earth’s surface is covered by water. Out of this 75%, only 1% is potable and not saline water.

Which means we can use only 2.5% of the world’s total water and we also know that we use water for various purposes right from our daily activities to big industries. Life can’t exist without water. 

Even though we know the above fact, we still recklessly use the water without even thinking of the consequences. Especially rivers. We have polluted the rivers to such an extent that it is virtually impossible to clean them.

Water conservation is the reduction of water usage, wastage or loss which in turn benefits the needs of living beings. It involves the reduction in the usage of water as well as recycling the waste water for various purposes such as manufacturing, irrigation and cleaning. Water is the most important factor which every living being is in need of. Water conservation can be done at home by using low-flush toilets and low flow taps. Rain water harvesting is another method for conserving water.

Water is essential, but too many of us think it’s unlimited. The reality is that fresh water is a finite resource that is becoming scarce. Many areas in the world are facing drought. In some areas the rain is well below the forecast. While water is constantly being recycled through the Earth, people are using up our planet’s fresh water faster than it can be replaced. In the United States, a warming climate is drying up our lakes and rivers. As we are an agricultural country, the demand on irrigation is growing, since we have a greater population, the demand for household use is increasing. The easiest, most cost-effective and powerful thing we can do to protect and preserve water is learn to use less, and use it judicially. This will surely help to conserve our water resources longer.